Country Thunder 2011 - Florence, Arizona

A pictorial representation of why Country Thunder is 5000 times more awesome than Coachella.

Whatch'you know about the Hill Billy Grill? Redneck gastronomical perfection. Bacon wrapped sausages, cheesey bacon fries, Frog legs, turkey legs and much more. Our 17 year old co-worker, a local Florincian, had a sweet unfinished weed leaf tattoo on his abdomen and got kicked out of high-school for "pills". Stay up little duder.  photo by Hesh

The South rises again to dance on mobile stripper stands for COORS Light in the mud.

Turkey Holocaust - Never forget the juiciness.  photo by Andy Stinebrink

The greatest day to be a prisoner in Florence is probably the day you get to weed-wack the grounds and put up tents at Country Thunder... or it could be your release date.

Fast-food aesthetic is what inspires me, Duhhhh.  Contemporary Pop Americana, disgusting and amazing like a jellied beef filled Jack in the Box taco. I felt like I was at a museum.    photo by Andy Stinebrink

Got yer girlfriend pardner.     photo by Andy Stinebrink

Icecream man. photo by Hesh

I was like "Cowboy Jenga!"
and they were like "Whats Jenga?"
and I was like "Ok you guys reinvented Jenga? Even cooler."

Too bad my camera died after the first day or I could have gotten photos of this and many other awesome things.

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