These bad boys are priced now at what Xerox machines were in the 80s. So buy me one now and I will buy you 20 in 10 years?

D.I.Y. at home genetic engineering culture. I'm gunna bio-hack me some phosphorescent yogurt for breakfast.

The DIYbio Community - Presented at Ignite Boston 5 (2009) from mac cowell on Vimeo.

Bacteria-Powered Machines!

Researchers learn to use bacteria to spin gears.


Human civilization has been supported and propelled by hulking, powerful beasts of burden like oxen, draft horses, even water buffalo and elephants. Here's a new one, the world's smallest: a 5-micron-long bacterium called Bacillus subtilis.
Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory have coaxed hundreds of these one-celled beasts to turn tiny gears 1 million times heavier than themselves in an experiment researchers hope is a step toward creating new materials and devices that mix tiny chemical cocktails and better harvest and store energy.


Aronson is interested in materials created using what's called self-assembly--a process by which a chemical or biological system creates complex ordered structures from something that starts out disordered. The method can lead to materials with novel properties, like ones that could snag lots of photons from the sun in a solar panel or trap electrons in a battery."Biological systems are extremely efficient," says Igor Aronson, a physicist at Argonne National Laboratory. "We can learn from biology and we can use it."
About four years ago Aronson started probing whether microscopic organisms could help. He turned toBacillus subtilis, a common oxygen-breathing bacteria that live in soil and motor around with flagella.
Aronson, Andrey Sokolov (who is now at Princeton University), and colleagues from Northwestern University found a way to suspend tiny gears, 380 microns across, in a nutrient-rich solution along with lots of these bacteria. They published their work in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

When the bacteria swim collectively, they can swim five times faster than if they swim alone. The power produced by all of their motion increases by a factor of 20, fast enough to spin the gears.

"They behave collectively, like a flock of birds or a school or fish," says Aronson. "But unfortunately they don't have eyes, and it is on a much smaller scale, so the mechanism is very different."
The number of bacteria is important--too few and they don't produce enough force, too many and they begin to form a biofilm. The teeth of the gears are designed asymmetrically, so that when the bacteria push, the gear spins in only one direction. The researchers first put just one gear in the solution, then added two. The bacteria pushed the gears together and spun them like a little machine (see video below).
Aronson can even turn the machine off and on. If he shuts off the flow of oxygen, the bacteria stop swimming in a matter of microseconds. Turn it back on, and the gears start spinning again. "We have the equivalent of a gas pedal," he says.
The energy these bacteria produce is, like the organism itself, microscopic. "You can't solve Obama's energy problem with these gears," says Aronson. But he imagines that they could be used to mix tiny amounts of chemicals, or deposit materials into new patterns or structures. And someday he'd like to get the bacteria themselves build the gears they would push.

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