Lost Angels (1989) 
Recommended and reviewed by a good friend of Carne and Queso, Sir Vinnie Sanchez.

The teenagers of yesteryear were a little more authentic than the bleached and clean cut modern youth of today. They also had installed suburban youth mental institutions for the bad seeds, black sheeps, and wolves that planned to reform and moralize the kids. The kids are alright. Its their adult world that made everyone weird and misunderstood in the first place.

 Its all here from the teenage neverland: bad times drugs damaged girl who lives with single mom who drives a sports car into a swimming pool, 80s gang bangers in a new wave era when they had teen clubs back in the day. This is a dive into youth from the black hole. A cinematic slap in the face of every educational shit hole and community youth teen center that sucked your soul. 

Watch this on VHS and finger that plastic boxed protection case that Blockbuster used to provide you with before they went pulseless in the era of Generation Y teens who have no idea or have probably never even held one. A Beastie Boy makes an appearance in it with a drunk Donald Sutherland as his anchor in a mixed up world. For teenage fuck ups.

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