I just got some new hardware that hooks my old VCR straight into my computer's brain. Now I have the power to chop and share the 250 + VHS tapes I have have collected and stored in milk crates in my parents garage. God bless Radioshack and God bless my parents for keeping all those useless videos. 

Here is the first little diddy that comes from DEMONWARP. A truly god aweful film about a group of campers that get attacked by Bigfoot. They then try to hunt down Bigfoot but find zombies in the forest as well. They then follow the zombies to a cave. Inside the cave an alien spider with a giant scorpion tale has been turning people into zombies with his scorpion tale. Actually when he stings people with his scorpion tale the alien spider actually can choose whether his victim becomes a zombie or a giant Bigfoot. Why? Nobody knows. Also there is a satanic priest with a knife in the cave just posted up with alien spider. Anyway... here is one small piece this hilarious pile of dung.


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