This one time I met Ghostface at the Jack in the Box on Speedway and Park in Tucson and gave him one of these prints. I showed Ghostface my CREAM tattoo which has an all seing eye. 

Ghostface    "Are you a Freemason?"
Me               "Yes." (I lied)
Ghostface    "Yo well hit me up when you get 33rd degree"
Me               "OK I will"

Another time I got this print signed by the RZA and gave him one to keep. Me and Soke got to go to the green room and hangout backstage at the Rialto theater before the RZA played that night. There was only a few people in there, about three dudes and a chick. We smoked a blunt with the chick and two dudes on a couch. One of the dudes kept getting up and jumping around and acting all crazy. We were informed by the other people there that he had been getting wet with some PCP.  Heres a conversation I had with Angel Duster (I can't remember his name, maybe Soker does).

PCP            "What are you looking at faggot?"
Me              "I was looking at your big ass skull belt buckle with diamonds on it"
PCP            "No, you were looking at my crotch!"
Me              "Dude, I was not looking at your crotch"
PCP            "You were looking at my crotch faggot"
Me              "I was not looking at your crotch!"

(Staring contest for 5 seconds)

PCP            "Oh SHIT! This guys Illuminati!"
Me              "What!?"
PCP            "This motherfuckers Illuminati! Look at his tattoo!"
Me              "?"
Soke           "Yo he's talking about your all seeing eye tattoo."
Me              "Oh...uh"
PCP            "Mother fucking Illuminati mother fucker!"

Then nameless PCP rapper left the green room. Later that night at the show he was told not to preform because he was way too fucked up. Dude kept sneaking on stage anyway and standing in front of the speakers so the audience could see him but the other performers on stage could not. A few incidents like this and he was finally body slammed by security onto the floor and dragged outside. 

 I wonder if Ghostface or the RZA just threw these prints away or maybe they still have them somewhere stuffed in a closet.


  1. that dusted out dude was tight - he got me in to the show for free and then tried to get all loose during some african drum circle band and the pulled him off stage. Then I think spilled a bunch of beer on a table of some earth first pamphlets

  2. You don't remember that guys name do you?
